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  • When is the application due?
    The priority enrollment application is April 1, 2023.
  • If I miss the deadline, can I still submit an application?"
    We will still accept applications after the deadline has passed. However, your application will be reviewed after all timely applications have been processed.
  • When will applicant families be notified of admissions decisions?
    Admission decisions will be emailed by June 2, 2022.
  • When are enrollment contracts due for new students?
    Contract and enrollment deposits are due by June 16, 2022 to guarantee your child's space.
  • What are the tuition and fees?
    View our tuition and fees on our admissions page. (Click here)
  • Does STARS Academy award full tuition scholarships?
    STARS Academy is unable to award full tuition scholarships
  • Is there an appeal process for awards granted?
    The Tuition Assistance Committee will reconsider an application only in the event of extreme changes in circumstances occurring since the application was submitted.
  • How do I submit a tuition assistance application?
    Tuition assistance applications must be completed and submitted online through TADS. A $55 processing fee is paid directly to TADS.
  • Is tuition assistance renewable each year?
    Families requesting tuition assistance must reapply each year. A complete review is conducted annually for returning families.
  • Are decisions regarding admission and tuition assistance related?
    Admissions and tuition assistance applications are processed separately to maintain strict confidentiality and integrity. Admissions decisions are made without regard for financial need.
  • Can I apply for tuition assistance before applying for admission to STARS Academy?
    Tuition assistance application are reviewed only after an admissions application has been received and processed.
  • What costs are eligible for tuition assistance?
    STARS Academy provides tuition assistance for tuition fees only. All families are required to pay in full STARS Academy miscellaneous and supplemental fees.
  • What if my tax returns are not completed by the due date?
    Your application will be processed on a provisional basis once your taxes are received by TADS. Your award will be finalized after TADS receives your previous years' returns and they review them. The school reserves the right to re-evaluate and adjust your award based on final tax returns.
  • Will my child get a report card from STARS Academy?
    Students will receive reports at the end of each semester. Transcripts can be produced if needed. At the end of each semester, students will have a conference with teachers and their parents to discuss what they have worked on throughout the semester. This will all be student led.
  • What are the school hours?
    The school hours are as follows: 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
  • Do I send my child with lunch and snacks?
    Yes, STARS Academy will not provide any meals.
  • How do I know my child is meeting grade level standards and can pass on to the next grade?
    All students study the same subjects, with challenge levels differentiated. There are no grade level distinctions. All students and groupings focus on accelerated learning goals and developing the skills of autonomous learning.
  • Does STARS Academy offer before and after school care?
    Students may be dropped off as early as 8:05 and picked up as late as 3:30. We will have enrichment activities after school that you may sign up for. These will be an additional fee.
  • What size are the classes?
    Classes range from 2-15 students depending on the lesson. Our student to teacher ratio is 1:5. Students attend different classes for their individual subjects. Due to their small size, these classes are intimate and highly interactive.
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